Struggling to identify problem gamblers online?
One of the most significant changes to the gambling environment in the past 15 years has been the increased availability of online gambling, including mobile. Gone are the days of needing to visit a bookmaker to place bets, or even a casino to enjoy some roulette or blackjack. All of the above is available at click of a button, making it increasingly difficult to track the activity of online gamblers. Before the birth of the digital world, independent bookmakers and casinos had the power to remove excessive gamblers from their premises, in a bid to save them from themselves a lot of the time. The sophistication of modern-day devices goes hand in hand with the sophistication of the people using them. There are ways for gamblers who have perhaps been restricted using certain accounts, to set up new ones without being detected. That is where Rdentify comes in. Our cutting-edge technology puts the power in the hands of the operators, through measurable solutions that are designed to identify vulnerable players.
Online gambling is the fastest growing mode of gambling and is changing the way that gamblers engage with this activity. Due to the high level of accessibility, immersive interface, and ease at which money can be spent, concerns have been expressed that online gambling may increase rates of disordered gambling.
Problem Gamblers Online
Disordered gambling is commonly referred to as “problem gambling,” “pathological gambling,” or “compulsive gambling.” A part of the problem of treating online gambling addiction is that the symptoms are easy to miss. Online gambling operators cannot ignore signs of customer problem gambling, however operators rely solely on customer support agents to recognise the signs of problem gambling during their live chat or email interactions.
These agents are often dealing with multiple chats at any time, so it is only natural that some problem gamblers slip through the net. In 2021, we shouldn’t be relying on humans to manually spot such circumstances, and should put our faith in the technology. That is exactly what Rdentify has done.
Globally, the e-gaming industry is highly regulated and fast growing, with a strong focus on player protection. In the UK, remote operators have been fined in excess of £63.5M since 2017 for social responsibility failings by the UKGC.
In our previous blog, we discussed why it is important to identify problem gamblers online and noted that at least 2 million people in the UK are believed to be at risk of experiencing problem gambling at some point.
For operators, it is important to identify problem gamblers with increased accuracy and prevent them from gambling on their site, thus increasing compliance with Safer Gambling legislation and reducing fines and reputational damage.
Identifying the Problem
With its unique AI solution, Rdentify provides a scientific and auditable vulnerability score that de-risks the operator, protects end-users and allows for a superior customer experience.
Rdentify is for responsible businesses who require a reliable, measurable and auditable solution to identify vulnerable customers during live chat or email interactions.
With our unique AI technology, a business can identify vulnerable customers and assist them in real time-reducing harm to the customer, and mitigating regulatory and reputational risk to the business. Rdentify provides a scalable natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning-based engine which flags end-user vulnerability risk during live chat or email interactions.
Using the customisable vulnerability scores and insights, customer support agents can make quick, evidence-based decisions to protect both the end-user and the operator. The Rdentify dashboard provides the ability to view the customers risk score in real time:

Rdentify seamlessly integrates with the operators’ existing operational systems and outputs clear, actionable scores and risk categorization in real time.
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